Uniting Science

and Religion

Welcome to our journey where we bridge the gap between scientific inquiry and religious pursuits through spiritual understanding. Here, we celebrate the rich dialogue between two of humanity’s most profound pursuits: science and religion. By embracing both, we seek to uncover deeper truths, foster greater empathy, and enhance human flourishing. Join us as we explore the synergies and insights that arise when science and faith walk hand in hand, enriching our collective knowledge and spiritual well-being.

Building a Bridge

How do we build a bridge between religion and science? Is it even worth building? 

There are few key questions to consider when attempting to answer this question:

1. Are mystical experiences worth scientifically understanding?

2. Can mystical experiences be measured?

3. If so, what tools do we possess to measure such experiences?


Where Does Traditional Science Fall Short?

Science to this point has mostly investigated sober states of consciousness. Sobriety is deemed synonymous with objective reality, and any attempt to winnow a sphere of sober consciousness from a multitude of non-sober correlates has been deemed an unserious effort. This is a mistake.

The consciousness of the scientific method must be expanded.

Psychedelic Science?

I propose a novel formulation of mapping empirical divergences that occur between individuals through a procedure of standardized neurological transformation.

If science has mainly focused on changing variables relative to the subject, then why not propose a model that changes subjectively internal variables relative to the objects of measurement. 

Through the dissolution of routine states systematized through psychedelic exposure, we’ll acquire the means to create a gradient map how non-sober measurements relate to sober ones across a sequence of dose quantities and geometric field of individuals.